The best and most favorite hacking tools - free

Nmap creator conducted the survey for 100 best hacking tools against followers of nmap-hackers mailing list. Approximately 3.243 users to vote for their most favorite tools. The list of 100 favorite hacker tools can be found in
From the 100 tools, The following are the 10 most favorite tools that gets the most votes. These tools are a weapon that's considered absolutely necessary in hacking and security activities.
In the package contains the most necessary programs and utilities for the hackers ot crackers,
- Cain and Abel [sniffer]
- John the Ripper (powerful brootforce)
- NetStumbler [allows to define radius of action of network WiFi – in real time for the diagram it is possible to see size of a useful signal]
- Nmap[one of the best network scanner[
- Putty [a quite good telnet the client]
- SuperScan [powerful scanner TCP of ports, pinger and hostname resolver)
- Hping (allows to generate special ICMP/UDP/TCP packages and to look through answers ping a host in style of the usual utility ping]
- Lcp [audit and restoration of passwords ]
- Nikto [perl the scanner broken Web a server, with support SSL]
- Kismet [sniffer a wireless network 802.11 and the decoder of packages]
Download top 10 hacking tools
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Related tool : Cracking Tools and Crack Searcher
size: 23.66 MB
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Related tool : Cracking Tools and Crack Searcher